Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Press Release, May 2016

May 7, 2016


The Search: Red and Grey, II1981, 
48 x 40” (o/c 1173).
University of Stirling Exhibition
Solo and group exhibitions, both in the US and in the UK, will mark the centennial of Jon Schueler’s birth.  A Jon Schueler symposium, The Sound of Sleat: Echoes, Reflections, and Transfigurations, moderated by Lindsay Blair, will take place at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, the University of the Highlands and Islands, Isle of Skye, Scotland, May 27-29.

Two shows at the beginning of April set off events in Scotland: at the University of Stirling and at the Heritage Centre in Mallaig, where Schueler had a studio from 1970 to 1992. In May, we move north to Ullapool for openings at An Talla Solais and at Rhue Art. On the Isle of Skye, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig --along with hosting the 2-day Schueler symposium--will show a selection of the artist's oils and works on paper.  The college, like the fishing village of Mallaig, witnesses the dramatic and mysterious weather patterns sweeping over the Sound of Sleat, the body of water that so often served as the source of Schueler's imagery and fantasies. For other exhibitions opening later in the year, see accompanying list.

The stunning Schueler exhibition, Jon Schueler: Mapping Memory, at the Anderson Gallery, State University of Bridgewater, MA marked the opening of the 2016 celebrations in the United States.  The Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis, MN is currently featuring its collection of Schueler's paintings "as center pieces surrounded by forerunners and successors" in its exhibition, Clouds, Temporarily Seen.

Sleat Remembered: Light, I, 1973, 76 x 69”  
(o/c 393).  Collection: Weisman Art Museum
In August the Arkansas Arts Center in Little Rock will focus on the decisive summer of 1967 when, on the Isle of Skye, Schueler first immersed himself in the possibilities of watercolors. Various museums, such as the Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, Ca, will be showing their Schuelers as part of group exhibitions during this year.  For the finale we go to New York where the rarely seen "Woman in the Sky" paintings  from the 60's will be featured at Berry Campbell (Nov.17 to Dec.23).

For supplementary material and photographs contact:
Magda Salvesen, Curator, Jon Schueler Estate
40 West 22nd Street, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10010
Tel. 212-929-7614   E-mail: msalvesen@jonschueler.com

For the 2016 centenary  Schueler greeting cards and postcards, and ongoing updates on the Jon Schueler 2016 centenary events in both the US and UK, please visit the
Jon Schueler website www.jonschueler.com and follow on social media.